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Gloves Graham Plimmer
Gloves Joshua Bennett

The Wicket-Keeping Gloves Specialists

Bespoke Gloves
Tailor made
Made to Measure Gloves
and Repairs

All repairs and alterations undertaken, to all makes and styles of gloves

New webs  Replacement fingerstalls

Use of image with thanks to Jack Russell,

Jack Russell MBE, Gloucestershire and England

Use of image with thanks to Jack Russell,

Classic Keeper, a family business happy to be called old fashioned and artisan, trying to assist keepers of all levels wherever possible.

Using modern materials and a dedication to quality workmanship, our gloves are used across the world by keepers of all ages, who want to deliver the best performance that they can.

We’re not looking to be in the same market as the massive cricketing brands, but just doing things our way,  making hand crafted, bespoke, wicket keeping gloves as well as repairing all makes and models.

For keepers who want the very best…

What our Keepers say about us…

‘I’ve known Graham Plimmer for over 30 years, as he used to make wicket keeping gloves for me during my playing days at Gloucestershire CCC and England.

The standard of his craftsmanship has always been top class, either making new gloves or just performing running repairs.

Being a former wicket keeper himself and now a specialist wicket keeping coach he fully understands the nature of the role and can use his vast experience to produce gloves made to measure of the highest standards.’

Jack Russell, MBE

Keeper for Lancashire & North of England U15

Mathew Hurst

Keeper for Lancashire & North of England U15

Your gloves for the way you play

We produce a detailed specific pattern for each and every keeper, aiming to create the fit and feel for each individual keeper’s requirements.

Traditional and Modern Techniques

Using high quality leathers and high friction materials. Comprehensive refurbishment service, bringing old gloves back to life.

Keeper for Lancashire & North of England U15

Matt Hurst

Keeper for Lancashire & North of England U15
Warwickshire U15 and EPP Keeper

Tom Mousley

Warwickshire U15 and EPP Keeper
Warwickshire U15 and EPP Keeper

Tom Mousley

Warwickshire U15 and EPP Keeper